Express hormonal | reproductive health clinic

A 30 minute guidance session focused on hormone + reproductive health – £80.

This session is an opportunity for you to have a 1:1 chat with me and get evidence-based expert guidance around your 1 chosen hormone health concern. You will experience a short patient-centred session where we will discuss potential strategies to healing, including foods and supplements and appropriate next steps, or interventions that may support you at this stage.

If you are looking for an in-depth consultation with a personalised food plan, The whole-body wellness plan may be for you.

Common concerns that I see in this session:

PCOS | endometriosis | fibroids | PMS | ovarian cysts | adenomyosis | thyroid health | acne | mood shifts | weight concerns | perimenopause | stress management | hormone health supplementation | 

The process:

  1. Book

  2. Complete short health questionnaire

  3. Meet for your 30 minute online session

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